Monday, October 11, 2010

Apples Apples and more Apples!

I went apple picking with my sister and two nephews over the long weekend. It was a beautiful fall day - perfect sunny skies, and the boys were so cute in wanting to pick the right apple!

I think I've had more apple foods this weekend then I do over an entire month, and it was all delicious!!

1. Fresh Pressed Apple Cider - seriously! (I'm throwing in some dark rum tonight!)
2. Carmel Apple - with nuts.
3. Regular freshly picked Jonogold apple - Mmmm, Mmmm
4. Cider Apple Donuts - OMG - warm and delicious
5. and the best of the weekend, homemade apple crisp.

Made by yours truly!

Hot out of the oven

Almost gone!

I am normally not so ambitious, and my brother in law makes a mean apple pie, but I thought I would try it myself - I got the recipe from

Here's the link. Enjoy!! (I would take out about 1/4 cup brown sugar, otherwise amazing).

I don't think my FH and I are going to eat dinner tonight, but at least we will get our 5 servings of fruits today!

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